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For Immediate Release
Contact: Sameer Parekh 510-601-9777


Community ConneXion today announced Apache-SSL Commerce, a commercial
version of the Apache webserver with support for Netscape
Communication Corporation's Secure Sockets Layer, a standard for
encrypted communications over the Internet.

Community ConneXion's Apache-SSL package includes Apache v1.0.0,
extensions to Apache which enable the SSL protocol, additional
customizations to the webserver, and tools to aid in server and SSL
maintainence. The server supports virtual hosts and an extensible API
to allow for easy modifications to the behavior of the server. Apache
is currently the fastest growing HTTP server, looking set to become
the most used web server on the net in 1996.

Sameer Parekh, President of Community ConneXion, commented on their
release of the encrypting webserver, "We're very happy to make
available an affordable SSL server to the Internet community. For
security to work, it must be ubiquitous, which requires that
encrypting servers be affordable and widely deployed."

Apache-SSL is available for free to non-commercial users, and the
commercial use package, Apache-SSL Commerce, is available for
$495.00. Customers who own versions of other commercial encrypting
webservers can upgrade to Apache-SSL Commerce for $295.00.  In
addition to the right to use the server in commercial applications,
the commercial package includes support and free lifetime upgrades
from Community ConneXion.  Apache-SSL Commerce is not available
outside the United States, but Apache-SSL is available for free, both
commercially and non-commercially, outside the United States from Ben
Laurie, of A. L. Digital, Ltd.

The Apache-SSL Commerce webserver is the only commercial encrypting
webserver with source available. Ian Goldberg, graduate student at
U.C. Berkeley, well-known for his work on SSL security, commented on
the importance of available source, "The public release of source,
especially for security-critical sections of code, is vital for a
product in which the public must put its trust.  It's far better for
me to be able to check the software that's used, say, for accessing my
bank account via the Web, for security problems, than for me to be
forced to trust whatever company put out the product.  Companies will
soon find that releasing more information about the internals of their
products will lead not only to better products, but better
reputations, as well."

Portions developed by the Apache Group, taken with permission from the
Apache Server http://www.apache.org/.  This product includes software
developed by Ben Laurie for use in the Apache-SSL HTTP server project.
This product includes software developed by Eric Young

Information on Apache-SSL is available at
http://www.c2.org/apachessl/. Questions and inquiries regarding the
server should be sent to apachessl@c2.org.

Community ConneXion, founded in June of 1994, is the leading provider
of privacy on the Internet. They provide anonymous and pseudonymous
internet access and web pages in addition to powerful web service,
virtual hosts, and web design consultation. Information is available
from their web pages at http://www.c2.org/.
